PAIN From Undiagnosable Sources

By Cheryl Salerno 

When I started working with the human energy field in the 1980s, I had no idea about what astonishing revelations would unfold. Over the years, with the blessing of hundreds of clients, I felt and was guided to a variety of sensations in the biofield around the body that told the story of that individual’s symptoms.

What was so amazing to them and to me was that, once the anomaly in the biofield was addressed, those symptoms were gone.

For clarification, before we go any further, I most often use the term ‘biofield’ which can also be referred to as the morphogenetic field, the aura, the energy field, etc. Basically, it is the space around the body, out about 3′ for most people, from head to toe, front to back. It can best be viewed in da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man drawing.

For myself, I feel strongly that the human biofield is just another name for the spirit or soul, as it holds all the events of this and all our lifetimes, and as such should be approached with reverence. The recent rise of body-mind-spirit medicine gives us hope that cures and healing are possible when subtle energies are recognized.

While invisible to most human eyes, the patterns and streams of subtle energy flowing in the biofield around the body can be viewed on the Web site, for example.

For purposes of this article, however, let me offer an insight about undiagnosable ‘pain’ that might not always be considered – that there are many types of pain which express in different ways in different people.

Take physical pain, for example, when no ‘reason’ for it can be found. The most common is phantom pain, usually present in amputees. Here I would find a severe energetic disturbance in the biofield area around the amputation, that is, in the biofield itself, not in the physical arm or leg.

One way to tell if the biofield is involved in post-op or post-trauma cases of pain would be to examine the site of injury. When a wound or incision heals, over time the border around it heals over as whiter than the skin. In cases when there is still a problem in the biofield, the border of the scar tends to remain reddish or dark pinkish rather than scar-tissue whitish.

Another anomaly in the biofield that can generate a pain symptom would be either a vacuum feeling or a leaking out of life force energy from the biofield.

What this says is that, when an injury occurs, it is not only recorded in the body and in the mind, but also in the biofield. While the body appears to heal, sometimes the event gets ‘stuck’ or frozen in the field. From then on, the biofield replays the injury to the body, much like a stuck needle on a record.

Now you have to understand that the biofield is not separate from the body. It is not only around the body but also interpenetrates it as a total subtle energy field. An energy field that has memory, just like the mind and the cells of the body do.

The field and the body and the mind are in constant communication with each other. So if one of those is telling the others that there is a problem or an injury, the others are going to feel it and respond accordingly, sometimes with the sensation of physical pain in the body.

On my YouTube channel,, I discuss many of the anomalies and presenting symptoms I worked with over the years, both in-person and on a remote healing basis, as well as how the biofield can be restored and symptoms alleviated, often in one session.

But there are other types of pain that I feel go disregarded yet fall into the same category as undiagnosable physical pain, those being


Panic attacks

Emotional over-reactions







I tend to think of these ‘symptoms’ as pains of the mind, of the heart, of the emotions. All just as real and palpable to the sufferer as any physical manifestations. Fortunately, all are most often resolved with the proper attention to the biofield. Unfortunately, many are mistreated with pharmaceuticals that suppress and do not heal the symptoms.

I’ve described some of the cases I’ve worked with over the years that fit these categories in my videos under the titles of “Energy Healing & the Human Biofield.” They also describe how these pains can be minimized or eliminated with some subtle energy healing that I show you how you can do, or refer to me.

How far off is the traditional medical establishment from recognizing the importance of acknowledging the role of subtle energy healing and the human biofield? The good news is that there is currently a proposal before the National Institutes of Health to study just that. Let’s hope it gets validated and someday becomes a part of our medical options.

Until then, as many of you are venturing outside the box for healing, health maintenance, and sanity, thank you for your open mind and heart for considering that subtle energy can work and without side effects. This is hopeful. We are more than we seem. Let’s open to our wholeness.

Cheryl Salerno is a ULC Minister and energy healer with over 35 years of experience, specializing in the distance healing format. She also uses and sells the amazing Trinfinity8 Rejuvenation & Restoration System in her healing work. Cheryl specializes in post-operative and post-partum healing challenges, as well as problems healing after sports injuries, auto accidents, PTSD, assaults, and falls. She has worked successfully with clients around the world.

She has written and edited books and articles on holistic health, metaphysics, dreams, and spirituality, as well as presented workshops and lectures on these topics. A student of the I Ching, tarot, astrology, Human Design, and the Edgar Cayce material for decades, Cheryl can be reached at [email protected].

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