
United Disabilities Corporate Partners


At United Disabilities we feel that it is important to acknowledge the companies we are working with and how they are helping facilitate inclusion within the workforce for all disabilities. Implementing inclusive corporate standards is crucial to creating an accessible and supportive environment. Here are some good corporate standards we believe in:


1. Accessibility: Ensure that the workplace, facilities, and digital resources are accessible to individuals with disabilities. This includes providing wheelchair accessibility, assistive technologies, accessible communication formats, and accommodations tailored to specific needs.

2. Equal Employment Opportunities: Promote equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities throughout the hiring process, from recruitment to advancement. Implement non-discriminatory policies and practices, and provide reasonable accommodations to enable employees with disabilities to perform their job duties effectively.

3. Disability Awareness and Sensitivity: Foster a culture of awareness and understanding by providing disability awareness training to all employees. Encourage a respectful and inclusive environment where individuals feel comfortable discussing disabilities and seeking support.

4. Flexible Work Arrangements: Offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options, flexible hours, or part-time schedules, to accommodate the diverse needs and requirements of employees with disabilities. This can help promote work-life balance and optimize productivity.

5. Assistive Technologies and Support: Provide assistive technologies, tools, and resources that enable employees with disabilities to perform their tasks efficiently. This may include screen readers, magnifiers, specialized software, ergonomic equipment, or accessible communication tools.

6. Reasonable Accommodations: Have a clear policy and process in place for requesting and providing reasonable accommodations. Work with employees to identify appropriate accommodations that allow them to overcome barriers and perform their job responsibilities effectively.

7. Inclusive Communication: Ensure that communication channels are accessible to all employees, including those with hearing, visual, or cognitive impairments. This can involve providing captioning or sign language interpretation for meetings, using clear and concise language in written communications, and using accessible formats for documents.

8. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Encourage the formation of employee resource groups focused on disability inclusion. These groups can provide a support network, promote awareness, and advocate for the needs of employees with disabilities.


9. Performance Evaluation and Feedback: Evaluate employees with disabilities based on their job performance and contributions rather than their disabilities. Provide constructive feedback, mentoring, and professional development opportunities to help them grow and advance.

10. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update corporate standards and policies to ensure they align with evolving best practices and legal requirements for disability inclusion. Encourage feedback from employees with disabilities to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes.


Our Partners

Nolu is the new generation of dating applications based on an innovative comprehensive approach to promoting emotional inclusion which goes far beyond dating and that contributes to the well-being of people with disabilities.